The best concert ever

 2nd post

The best concert ever

    To start this post, I must confess that I have never been to a concert (sad, I know :c). The closest I have been, is at the typical "X commune anniversary" parties, where the municipalities bring guest artists who are usually liked by older people but not by me, so I don't really enjoy them.
    Once, when I was about 3 years old or maybe younger, my dad took me to see a live show of "Winnie the Pooh", the only thing I remember is that they sang a couple of songs. Will that count as a concert?

    Anyway, I have only been able to really enjoy concerts through YouTube or TV, at the Viña festival for example (Los Jaivas supremacy). A concert that I would have loved to go to, and that I have been able to see something of on the internet, is Coldplay. The truth is I'm not a big fan of their music, I only know the most well-known songs, but I know that in their concerts they have implemented the use of bracelets that change color and make it look beautiful, they have also put bicycles in the concerts so that the people use them and produce energy, among other great ideas that I find very interesting.

    Without a doubt, I would love to be able to enjoy a Coldplay concert and not watch it on a screen.


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